Cold laser therapy is a non-invasive treatment that helps to manage chronic pain and heal chronic and acute wounds. It works by a technique called photobiostimulation, which is a deep penetrating light energy that stimulates the release of endorphins and increases circulation to affected areas of the body.
At South Putnam Animal Hospital, we commonly use cold laser therapy to treat arthritis in pets. A condition that affects a vast majority of our older patients, the laser penetrates the affected joints and works to increase the health and energy at a cellular level. This provides patients with pain relief within the tissues, anti-inflammatory relief, and aids to stimulate healing within cells.
Cold laser therapy gives us greater options when managing your pet's condition, provides relief of symptoms, improves range of motion and function, reduces or eliminates the need for medications, and achieves a higher quality of life.
Located off of Route 6 and Route 6N, just minutes from Lake Mahopac and Mahopac High School.
Phone: 845-628-1834